Why earn just $1.00 for every $0.80 that white women earn or $0.60 that black women earn when you can earn $2.00? The beauty is that as a white male, you won't even have to work that hard for it! Spend time drinking with your friends at the club while you watch the money roll in. We can help you earn $1,000,000 more than women and minorities over the course of your career, by just being the biased male you were raised to be.
You’re almost guaranteed a spot at the top, but we want to make sure you stay there. Developed in conjunction with a diverse team of analysts at McKinsey, we teach you to expertly deflect criticism about the lack of diversity & inclusion at your company. Learn to talk about the benefits of D&I, while never actually changing your culture.
It’s never too early to start teaching boys about opportunity and girls about limits. Instill aggressive behaviors in boys and feminine behaviors in girls, so by the time they’re in 6th grade, your boys will be well on their way to being in charge and girls will know how to attract the men who can provide for them.